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Région Morges

Région Morges, a cloud of little coats of arms

Région Morges is an association of the region’s 10 communes. It works to put in place an inter-municipal development plan that respects local issues and meets the objectives of higher-level planning. It also acts as a think-tank, enabling its partners to anticipate major trends in spatial planning and adapt their processes to changes in the legal framework.

For this client, NOW* created a ‘unifying’ logo, like a cloud made up of 10 small coats of arms representing the communes. The sienna colour stands out from the traditional institutional green or grey and underlines the association’s earthy side: its mission in relation to sustainable mobility, town planning, ecology, the environment and regional development.

NOW* also designed the flyer and stationery, and redesigned the association’s website to reflect this dynamic, forward-thinking approach.

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